6 Rules for Writing an Essay
Although undoubtedly a medium to demonstrate your knowledge and creativity, following a small selection of rules will help you to produce an engaging essay that deftly communicates your core argument and ideas.
- Understand the purpose of your essay.
Before you begin writing, your first task is to carefully consider what you want to achieve. As this understanding of your purpose will shape the entire writing process, make sure you take the time to consider:
- Your subject and argument.
Compelling essays can be written in a variety of ways and it is important that you establish the correct tone as early in the process as possible. You could, for example, choose to adopt a persuasive tone or, instead, choose to focus on setting out a new argument in a way that delivers information clearly and factually. As research has found that there is no single way to write a successful essay, selecting the correct presentation is crucial.
Your tone will develop intuitively from an understanding of your subject. This knowledge will help you to fully prepare your argument and integrate the correct terminology into your sentence structure to communicate your ideas thoughtfully and intelligently.
- Your reader.
As the tone and structure of your essay will ultimately be significantly influenced by who you want to engage, it is impossible to write a successful essay without first considering your reader. You would, for example, use a specific type of language to communicate your ideas to a student, which would differ from the type of language you would use to address a teacher or government organisation.
- Demonstrate passion for your subject.
In addition to being a key driving force that will help you to get the most enjoyment from your work, a demonstrable sense of passion is also what will keep your audience engaged. This is especially important if you want to write essays to make a living. Passion will ensure that you can deliver an essay writing service that consistently produces work of the highest quality.
- Work with other writing companies.
Before establishing your own online essay writing service, you will likely find it beneficial and enlightening to work with an established essay writing service. Working with UK Writers Hub, for example, will give you a good overview as to how well-written essays are created and how to establish the best structure for a range of different subjects.
- Read other essays within your area of expertise.
Regularly reading other essays and evaluating how successfully they have conveyed core arguments will equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to write your own, highly engaging work. Additionally, this will also refresh your knowledge of recommended grammar, punctuation and referencing guidelines.
- Write your first draft.
If you want your writing to be both persuasive and precise, you will need to produce several drafts before your submission deadline. Creating a detailed outline will help you to shape your first draft into something that can be refined, edited and improved. Online essay writing experts state that a helpful essay outline should:
- Ensure that your central thesis is clearly expressed in your introduction.
- Carefully list every key point that will support your argument.
- Give yourself the space to comprehensively explain your ideas and how they relate to your thesis.
- Clearly communicate your core thesis in your introduction and conclusion.
Every essay must have an introduction and a conclusion. These two paragraphs will be some of the most important of your entire essay.
Your introduction should provide a clear overview as to what the main body of your essay will discuss. Keep this statement as concise as possible and aim to include it within the first three sentences of your essay.
Your conclusion should draw together the material you have discussed in the main body of your work and deftly explain how each point supports your main thesis.
- Aim for precision and clarity.
Excellent essays are determined by the quality of your sentences, not the number of words you have used to explain your thesis. Your essay should, therefore, be comprised of individual sentences that are clear, precise and to the point. Remember, your reader shouldn’t have to read the same sentence several times to understand what you are trying to communicate.
Don’t allow any tangential arguments to detract attention from your central thesis. Your ability to only introduce relevant ideas and supporting material will strengthen your essay. Remember, saying a lot about a few key topics will always be more captivating and compelling than briefly discussing a range of vague ideas.
- Don’t neglect the proofreading and editing processes.
The best online essay writing professionals understand that excellent essays are not solely created during the writing process. Affording care and attention to the proofreading and editing processes will help you to ensure that your ideas are clearly expressed and that there aren’t any mistakes that will detract from the overall quality of your work.
- Utilize every available writing tool.
If you want to establish your own essay writing service, you will find it beneficial to form a habit of utilizing a variety of writing tools to efficiently evaluate the quality of your grammar, spelling and sentence structures. This will ensure that readers can concentrate on the arguments being presented without being distracted by avoidable errors.
- Consult other writers.
If you know someone with good writing skills, asking them to read your essay might help you to identify elements that will benefit from additional refinement. Alternatively, you could also contact an essay writing service to obtain advice and feedback from professional writers.
- Read it carefully.
Try to set aside enough time to read through your essay several times until you are happy that it clearly expresses your ideas and flows well.
Whether you want to establish your own successful business or create a positive first impression within your workplace or academic institution, following these guidelines will help you produce a genuinely engaging and compelling essay every single time.