More effective mobile marketing strategies
This is a very lucrative market
There can be no doubt that with the introduction of the latest range of smartphones this has opened up a whole range of opportunities both for smartphone users and also for marketing companies. The sophisticated devices with their ability to run complicated applications and with their Internet connectivity has opened up a whole range of opportunities. Because of this marketing companies are now able to use the available smartphone technologies in order to interact more effectively with smartphone owners.
Not only does the available smartphone technologies and the benefits which has been provided by social media, benefiting consumers but marketing companies is now able to interact more effectively with consumers and it’s also easier to stimulate valuable feedback which is very important to provide marketing companies and business with accurate information on the needs of the customers. With this knowledge businesses is now able to target the specific needs of the customer resulting in a happier customer and a more profitable business.
The get out of debt application
There are now several smartphone applications that has been designed specifically to help smartphone users to get out of debt and there are several of these available such as Debt Tracker which is available to android users free of charge. This could be very useful for consumers who desire to get outof credit card debt.
Even though every person should have adequate experience in things such as personal financial management and effective budgeting there has nevertheless been very positive response to these get out of debt applications. This in itself will certainly be a blessing for the millions of people which are burdened by very large financial and medical debts in the US especially. Even if only a small percentage benefit from these applications then it would already have been more than worthwhile.
Just imagine a country where 70% of all bankruptcy filings result because of medical debt and that while companies such as Johnson and Johnson pockets $16 billion annually in profits. In fact the three most profitable pharmaceutical companies in the world are all located in the US and all of them have annual profits in excess of $12 billion. This is a shocking statistic for a country whose medical care system is in so much turmoil. The question now is how is this allowed to happen?
Smartphone applications is very effective
A lot of research has been done regarding smartphone marketing and it is now a well-known fact that 50% of all advertisements that is received through a smartphone application will result in excellent conversion rates because 20% of consumers who received that advertisement will proceed to purchase that product by using that application. Understandably this provides a businesses with large savings both as far as time and effort is concerned.
It is amazing how many consumers who has received communications from businesses through mobile marketing strategies has in most cases no objection to cooperate with those businesses and more than half of all people who are contacted will even be willing to share their location with smartphone marketers.
The benefits is that this allows businesses to target those consumers more effectively with opportunities which may be available in their immediate vicinity. There are exciting possibilities available to any business that is getting into the smartphone marketing environment.