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  1. All the help that madadsmedia gives is for only websites is it?
    can i promote my blog as well?
    Reason for this is that my blog is just a page in the company’s website!
    By doing this would my blog be benefited more or the website?

  2. Suresh vurity says:

    Hi Sarah,
    Thank you for stopping by my post. Yes Madadsmedia is not confined to websites when it comes to approval. Your blog has a great chance to get approved. I wish you good luck. 🙂

    1. Awe that is so sweet 🙂 thank you 🙂

      1. Suresh vurity says:

        My pleasure 🙂

  3. Hi Vurity,

    Thanks for sharing this useful review about Madadsmedia, we be considering joining them.

    1. Suresh vurity says:

      Hi Qasim,
      Thank you for stopping by my site. I’m glad you like it. I wish you good luck with Madadsmedia ads. 🙂

  4. muhammadsaleem says:

    Hi Suresh, Thanks for sharing this helpful knowledge with us to guide us.

    1. Suresh vurity says:

      Hi Muhammad,

      Thanks for stopping by my site mate. My pleasure. I wish you great success.

  5. Hi suresh,
    Nice Information. I need some Information how much money sites pay in India. Can you guide me something regarding the same. I want to start a website which is going to generate revenue. So want to know exactly how much I can make through Ads on my website in Rupees. Thanks in advance.


    1. Suresh vurity says:

      Hi Swapnil,

      The very first thing is you shouldn’t expect advertising revenue in the beginning. The income would likely to start flow only when your niche is liked by hundreds of thousands of people. That is you need to concentrate more on content and traffic. If the website is purely service based then there is no need to worry. But, if you are planning an information,education, blogging, entertainment, movie reviews, health site etc then it takes some time to generate revenue. The problem is that Indian advertising companies pay less money compared to US companies. It is better to look for other opportunities as well like affiliate programs and CPA programs. I wish you great success bro. Thanks for asking. 🙂

  6. Muhammad Tahir says:

    Thanks 4 the review after reading the post m going to apply for an account. Can you please tell me minimum traffic for this network?

    1. Suresh vurity says:

      Hi Muhammad,
      As per my experience there are no traffic requirements to get approved as a Madadsmedia publisher. Thanks for asking. 🙂

  7. Muhammad Tahir says:

    thanks 4 reply 🙂

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